
Study day on: From Readable to Visible: Fictional Writing and Film Adaptation

2019-02-26 2019-02-26

The Department of French Language and Literature Faculty pluridisciplinaire / Nador University Mohammed 1st organizes a  Study Day on: From Readable to Visible: Fictional Writing and Film Adaptation on the February 26, 2019.


  1. Pr. Hassan Banhakeia / Pr. Sanae Yachou Researchers at the FPN,

Title: “The Dry Eyes of Narjiss Nejjari or The Impossible Recognition of Women”

  1. Pr. Boujamaa El Kouy, Teacher of the FPN.

Title: “Challenging the Patriarchal agents in 'Ain Nssa'

  1. Pr. Sallem El Azouzi, Researcher at the FPN.

Title:  “The Great Gatsby:  the Novel and its Adaptation”

  1. Pr. Abdellah Azouagh, Researcher at the FPN.

Title : “The Amazighe Cinematographic Translation: Aspects and Problems”

  1. Pr. El Houssaein Farhad, Researcher at FPN.

Title: “Views on Film Translation”

  1. Pr. Omar EL YAHYAOUI - Researcher at the FPN.

Title: “For a Re-discovery of the Literary Work Brought to the Screen”

  1. Pr. Bouchra El Andaloussi, Teacher researcher CRMEF / Kenitra.

Title: “The Film Adaptation Act of Recreation and Rewriting”.

  1. Pr. Abdelkader BEZZAZI, Researcherat FLSHO.

Title: “When a Story Told Becomes a Tale”

Details of the day.

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