
The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research launched the project "MINHATY" to allow students to have a credit card to withdraw their grants from automatic teller machines (ATMS) of the Treasury or form ABMs of branches of Barid Al Maghrib. The Ministry is committed, under this agreement, to create "MINHATY" cards and make them operational as from a date it fixes.
The benefits of this program are undeniable:
- Total or partial withdrawal of the award by telephone recharge cards on ATMs;
- Purchases via the use of cards or on the Internet;
- The possibility to supplying money for card payment by transfer from a check account.
Apart from charging, other operations are totally free.
Other benefits are:
- The Simplification of procedures,
- The Reduction of costs of Management by the Ministry of Education, or those of the Treasury and Al Barid Bank.
To receive a scholarship to studies in the university’s undergraduate program in Morocco, one must fill a special form duly available in bookstores in the kingdom, and submit it as designated below:
- For full time Baccalaureate program students, in their respective schools, (see deadlines posted in the school);
- For part-time Baccalaureate applicants and foreigners, at the delegations of the Ministry of National Education (see deadlines posted in the delegation).
The decision is taken by a committee before the school year begins (see the dates at the wilaya or province). Applicants will be informed in writing of the decision and will have the opportunity to challenge the results.
The committee is composed of:
- The Wali of the region or province,
- The Delegates of the Ministry of National Education,
- The Ministry of Finance Representative,
- The Representatives of the Association of Students’ Parents.
The STNRC acting on behalf of the Ministry of National and Higher Education, Professional Training and Scientific Research, has been launching an annual call for application for the allocation of research grants since 2004. This fellowship is a merit scholarship destined to encourage the most deserving students who hold a Master or a DESA degrees, and who are preparing a Doctoral Dissertation. The scholarship is equivalent of 2300,00 dh and covers three years (36 months) of doctoral preparation.
Since 2009, the Scientific Council has been making an annual call for application for the allocation of research grants to students with a Master degree, obtained from one of the various institutions of the MIU. Eligibility is conditional of two criteria:
- A higher score (mention) equivalent to 60%,
- Destitute economic situation of the family of the applicant.