This Thursday, January 17, 2019 at the presidency of the University Mohammed Premier, an information meeting on the research programs PRIMA and Horizo...
A jubilee ceremony for the benefit of professors, retired administrators and the families of those who have passed away, was organised by the Universi...
To mark the end of the 2018 academic year The National School of Applied Sciences of Oujda organized, on Saturday, December 23, 2018 at the Mohammed V...
The participants at the conference held at the Berkane Agropole on Wednesday, December 5th , 2018 under the theme "Digital transformation, a Fact...
No, it is not the State that built the National School of Commerce and Management (ENCG) of Oujda, but a benefactor. Her name, Fatna Lemdersi. 15 year...
The National School of Commerce and Management of Oujda organized the Graduation Ceremony of the tenth group Normal Cycle at the University Campus of...