

As a regulatory tool to master complexity, governance involves updating priorities, mission planning, identification of resources, monitoring decisions, coordination of mid-term long-term development activities consistent with the institution’s ethical vision.

As it is not limited to the administration of the institution on the basis of a regulatory framework, hierarchical or procedural, good governance happens when a significant margin is left to autonomy, appraisal, consultation, but mainly to accountability. This, therefore, leads to instating within Mohammed I University (MIU) Oujda, a participatory approach in decision making that relies more on a mode of governance focused on objectives and outcomes rather than on a mode that merely follows standards and procedures for the implementation of the institution’s plan. In 2000, the 01-00 law – focusing on teaching and governance aspects– already brought changes in the governance of higher education institutions by promoting educational, administrative and financial autonomy of the University. In other words, by setting up, simultaneously, the feasibility conditions in organizational, relational and communicational areas, the ambition, regarding governance, is an effective mobilization of all stakeholders behind a coherent, orderly and methodic action, relying basically on the creativity of the University community. For example, the contracts-culture must now constitute a very relevant way of governance as it provides an opportunity for various stakeholders to contribute to and participate actively in the development and implementation of the university development project. There is no doubt that in the context of such a merger process, style, art and the methods of leadership in the introduction of change management and useful communication skills in negotiating with potential pockets of resistance, represent a leverage likely to guarantee 2 stability within the new Moroccan university and its successful transformation.

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