First International Conference on Recent Information Technologies, Fuzzy Systems and Innovation (CINTISI'20)
2020-10-08 2020-10-10
The First International Conference on Recent Information Technologies, Fuzzy Systems and Innovation (CINTISI'20) is a conference that will be held on October 08/10, 2020 in Oujda, Morocco. CINTISI'20 aims to bring all actors of all kinds: researchers, engineers, professionals, academics, institutional, industrial and other experts to exchange information on different themes proposed, and to share their culture on the field. The confrontation of the methodologies employed is likely to favor collaboration and innovation. CINTISI'20 aims to bring all national and international researchers together to present their recent work, exchange their scientific experiences and share knowledge gained in the field of new technologies and the various recent applications of information systems. This scientific meeting will also bring together specialists from different fields and student researchers or recent graduates and will give researchers the opportunity to present their recent work in this congress's various topics.
The conference will have four tracks. Topics of interest are include (but are not limited to):
Track 1 : Technology Trends & Computing
Big Data, Social Network Analysis, Internet of Things & Smart Cities, Neuromorphic Systems, Mobile Applications, Digital Transformation, Software Engineering and Quality, Digital Transformation, High Performance Computing, Distributed and parallel systems, Mobile and embedded systems, Cloud Computing, Mobile Computing, Large-scale applications, Software testing and quality assurance..
Track 2 : Artificial Intelligence & Machine Vision
Artificial intelligence, Agents and Multi-agent Systems, Natural Language Processing, Data Mining, Ambient Intelligence, Sentiment Analysis, Robotics, Human Computer Interaction, Computer Vision, Image Processing, Video Analysis, Medical Diagnosis, Segmentation Techniques, Virtual Reality..
Track 3 : Communication & Security
Security, Ethics and Cybercrime, Networking, Wireless/ Mobile Communication, Connected Machines, Mobile Adhoc Networks, Communication Protocols, Mobile Apps, Privacy, Surveillance, Biometrics, Internet Security, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Web Services and Performance, Cryptocurrencies, Cryptography..
Track 4 : Information Systems & Modeling Methods
Geographic Information Systems, Virtual Learning Environments, Web-based Learning, Delivery Systems and Environments, System Modeling Language, Bioinformatics, E-Learning, Smart technologies, E-marketing, E-Commerce, E-Tourism, Systems Engineering, Human Machine Interface, Multimedia systems and applications, Database systems, Software process and life cycle..
All submissions must follow the LNCS template ( and be written in English. Full papers are allowed a maximum of 8 pages in LNCS format, whereas short papers are allowed a maximum of 5 pages, both in the submission and in the proceedings. Papers exceeding these limits may be rejected without review..
Paper submission will be handled by EasyChair, so please make sure that you have an active account. The papers must be submitted electronically at:
The best publications will be published in some journals indexed by SCOPUS
Prof. Mohcine KODAD, ESTO, Mohammed First University, Morocco
Prof. El Miloud JAARA, FSO, Mohammed First University, Morocco
Prof. Omar MOUSSAOUI, ESTO, Mohammed First University, Morocco
Prof. Mohamed ELHOSENY, Mansoura University, Egypt
Prof. BENKADDOUR Rachid, EST Oujda, Morocco
Prof. EL MOUSSATI Ali, ENSA Oujda, Morocco
Prof. ESBAI Redouane, ENCG Oujda, Morocco
Prof. GRARI Mounir, EST Oujda, Morocco
Prof. HAJJI Bekkay, ENSA Oujda, Morocco
Prof. JEFFALI Faouaz, EST Oujda, Morocco
Prof. KASMI Mohammed Amine, FS Oujda, Morocco
Prof. KERKOUR EL MIAD Aissa, FS Oujda, Morocco
Prof. KOULALI Mohammed Amine, ENSA Oujda, Morocco
Prof. KRIT Salahddine, FP Ouarzazate, Morocco
Prof. NASSER Abdelkader, EST Oujda, Morocco
Mr. EL OUTMANI Ayyoub, FS Oujda, Morocco
- Prof. Xiaohui Yuan, University of North Texas, USA
- Prof. Ounsa ROUDIES, EMI Rabat, Morocco
- Prof. Jason J. Jung, Chung-Ang University, Korea
- Prof. C. ROCHE, Savoie Mont-Blanc University, France
- Prof. El-Mostafa DAOUDI, FS Oujda, Morocco
- Prof. Abdelmalek AZIZI, FS Oujda, Morocco
- Prof. Mohamed LEHSAINI, Tlemcen University, Algeria
- Prof. Mohamed Elhoseny, Mansoura University, Egypt
- Prof. El Miloud Jaara, FS Oujda, Morocco
- Prof. M. Sadgal, FS Semlalia, Marrakech, Morocco
- Prof. Ouafaa IBRIHICH, ENSA Khouribga, Morocco
- Prof. J. Carretero, Univ. Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
- Prof. Mohamed JMAIEL, University of Sfax, Tunisia
- Prof. Abdelmajid Dargham, FS Oujda, Morocco
- Prof. El Bekkaye Mermri, FS Oujda, Morocco
- Prof. Imed Romdhani, Edinburgh Napier University, UK
- Prof. Abdennour El Rhalibi, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom
- Prof. Aissa Kerkour El Miad, FS Oujda, Morocco
- Prof. Rachid MALEK, ENSA Oujda, Morocco
- Prof. Ali Akrout, NSE of Tunis, Tunisia
- Prof. HAJJI Bekkay, ENSA Oujda, Morocco
- Prof. Mimoun MOUSSAOUI, EST Oujda, Morocco
- Prof. M. Riyadh abdmezieM, Univ. of Lorraine, France
- Prof. Tarik HAJJI, ULP Fez, Morocco
- Prof. D. Benslimane, Univ. of C. Bernard Lyon 1, France
- Prof. BARBOUCHA Hamza, ENSA Oujda, Morocco
- Prof. Sidi Mahmoudi, University of Mons, Belgium
- Prof. Mehdi BOUTAOUNTE, ENCG Dakhla, Morocco
- Prof. Hassan REHAIMI, ENCG Dakhla, Morocco
- Prof. Lahoucine ASSELLAM, ENCG Dakhla, Morocco
- Prof. Paulo Quaresma, University of Évora, Portugal
- Prof. Khalid TAHIRI, FS Oujda, Morocco
- Prof. Issam Qaffou, FS Semlalia, Marrakech, Morocco
- Prof. Salahddine Krit, FP Ouarzazate, Morocco
- Prof. Mohamed El Boukhari, EST Oujda, Morocco
- Prof. M. Belguidoum, Univ. of constantine 2, Algeria
- Prof. Riadh Robbana, Carthage University, Tunisia
- Prof. Paolo Bellavista, University of Bologna, Italy
- Prof. Kazar Okba, Biskra university, Algeria
- Prof. Nouredine Melab, Lille 1 University, France
- Prof. Redouane Esbai, FP Nador, Morocco
- Prof. Khalil Kasmi, FS Oujda, Morocco
- Prof. Yahya Benkaouz, FS Rabat, Morocco
- Prof. S. Munawwar, Nazeer Hussain University, Pakistan
- Prof. Chaouki Brahim Elkhalil, ENSA Agadir, Morocco
- Prof, Barkallah Maher, University of Sfax, Tunisia
- Prof. Abdelhakim Khatab, National School of Engineering, Lorraine University, France
- Prof. N. SOUISSI, MINES-RABAT School, Morocco
- Prof. Mustapha Zbakh, ENSIAS Rabat, Morocco
- Prof. J. Kacprzyk, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
- Prof. Mostafa AZIZI, ESTO Oujda, Morocco
- Prof. Mohammed Erradi, ENSIAS Rabat, Morocco
- Prof. Abdelkader ELHANAOUI, FS Agadir, Morocco
- Prof. Mahmoud NASSAR, ENSIAS Rabat, Morocco
- Prof. Nabil ANWER, Paris-Sud University, France
- Prof. Mohammed Serrhini, FS Oujda, Morocco
- Prof. Mohamed Slim ABBES, Sfax University, Tunisia
- Prof. D. Camacho, Technical Univ. of Madrid, Spain
- Prof. Naimi Salah Eddine, ENSAO Oujda, Morocco
- Prof. Abdelhafid Serghini, ESTO Oujda, Morocco
- Prof. Ali EL MOUSSATI, ENSA Oujda, Morocco
- Prof. Mohamed Amine Kasmi, FS Oujda, Morocco
- Paper Submission Deadline: 30/06/2020
- Acceptance Notification : 31/07/2020
- Camera Ready Deadline: 31/08/2020
- Conference Dates: 08/10/2020 to 10/10/2020
Prof. Mohcine KODAD
- Tél : +212671368904
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