Launch of the 2020-2021 edition of the Moroccan-Turkish call for projects

Overview :
The CNRST and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, TUBITAK, signed a Memorandum on Scientific and Technical Research in Istanbul on November 5th , 2013. As part of this protocol, a call for projects is launched every two years around common priority themes.
This Moroccan-Turkish cooperation aims to support scientific research through the mobility of researchers on both sides around the following themes:
- basic and applied sciences;
- Engineering;
- Social Sciences ;
- Renewable energies.
On the Moroccan side, applicants must download the form below, fill it out, print it, sign it, have it signed by the school head and the president of the University to which they belong and send a (1) paper copy. no later than 02nd March 2019 at the following address:
Cooperation Service
National Center for Scientific and Technical Research
Angle Av. FAR & Av. Allal El Fassi
BP 8027 NU10102 Rabat (Morocco)
Tel: + 212 537 56 98 20
Fax: +212 537 56 98 21
They will also have to send a copy of the file by e-mail to:
The submitted projects are then sent to the CNRST experts for evaluation and presented to the joint Moroccan-Turkish committee which selects the projects to be financed.
Any project selected will be financed for a maximum of 2 years, by covering travel and subsistence expenses for Moroccan and Turkish PhD students and co-directors. The annual allocation is decided by the Moroccan-Turkish Joint Committee.
Deadline for submission of applications (electronic version) 15th February 2019.
Download the application form for the CNRST / TUBITAK 2020-2021 call for projects
Download the text of the CNRST / TUBITAK 2020-2021 call for projects