
2019-11-28 2019-11-29

The Faculty of Juridical, Economic and Social Sciences

in collaboration with

theNational Observatory of Human Development

Organize an

International Symposium on Territorial Governance and Local Development

November 28 and 29, 2019

At the headquarters of the Faculty of Juridical, Economic and Social Sciences

Concept note

Multi-dimensional evolutions, the diversity of local actors, the increasing willingness of citizens to engage and participate in the decision-making process and to contribute to the management of public affairs at the local level are all factors that have fundamentally changed the equation of territorial governance and the scope of its concept.

The verticalization of public policies, the multiple levels of territorial governance, the lack of convergence and the multiplication of structures at both national and regional levels, as well as the diversity of stakeholders have made territorial management difficult and complex.

This problem cannot be reduced to a simple process of delegation of competencies and measures of transfer of powers from the State to local authorities, since the question of governance requires a whole series of involvement of the representatives of the population in the decision-making process and implementation mechanisms that ensure the monitoring and operational execution of programs.

Governance is not only limited to launching some actions to improve the living conditions of citizens by the actors, good governance must aim to increase their income, reduce poverty, vulnerability and 

exclusion, while ensuring respect for their fundamental rights. Good governance should therefore be able to establish an institutional and societal "model" that can meet the needs of all citizens as part of a strong network of accountability, responsibility for a rights-guarantor state with clear, targeted and efficient public policies.

It is clear that the issue of territorial governance is one of the fundamental pillars of government policies and programs, and that local authorities are key players and partners in the management of its territories, and in the design and implementation of local development projects.

Among the ultimate objectives of territorial governance, there is first the coordination of state interventions at the regional level. Decentralized services must be responsible for a certain number of prerogatives, in particular the development and implementation of territorialized programs in harmony with the central global vision as well as the development of partnership with all national actors. , regional and local.

However, there are many challenges related to the operational implementation of these programs, one of the most important territorial governance mechanisms, to meet the demands of the population for access to quality services. These territorial programs should be founded and designed based on consultation, participation, and solid and reliable diagnoses highlighting the priorities and potential of the territory.

As a result, the creation and development of regional information systems and observatories will contribute to the production of reliable and necessary data for diagnostics and territorial planning, while ensuring a monitoring and evaluation framework measuring the effectiveness of actions with reference to the strategic objectives.

It is also necessary to build capacity of human resources to endow the territory with competent executives capable of carrying out studies, leading debates, ensuring the execution of regional development plans, key pillar of growth.

Land management is also one of the most important issues requiring the strengthening of the legal system to modernize the methods and rules of property management to meet the needs and requirements of local development and the promotion of investments for a local economy dynamic.

To this end, several actions and interventions should be envisaged at both the national and local levels, particularly with regard to the failures of the public administrations, particularly with regard to existing human resources.

Advancing reflection, both in terms of diagnosis and perspectives, on territorial governance and local development is the objective of this scientific event organized by the FSJES of UMP Oujda, in collaboration with the ONDH.

The analysis of the complexity of this theme requires not only a disciplinary perspective (economy, management, political science, sociology, law, public finances) but also from the point of view of positioning the actors: decision-makers, academics, evaluation experts, civil society, etc.

It proposes a certain number of reflection axes and analysis to guide the exchanges, in particular:

  • Territorial governance and local development;

  • Governance and convergence of economic, social and cultural policies of local authorities;

  • Management of national planning policies;

  • Regional, spatial and political deconcentration management;

  • Management of human resources of local authorities;

  • Collection, analysis and processing of territorial data;

  • Territorial policy development;

  • Governance of local finances and regional investment;

  • Management of programs and projects of territorial upgrading and socio-economic development;

  • Role of scientific research in supporting territorial actors for good governance;

  • Management of territorial digital policies.


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