
ICEERE’22 3nd International Conference on Electronic Engineering and Renewable Energy Systems Springer & Elsevier Conference

2022-05-20 2022-05-22



3nd International Conference on Electronic Engineering and Renewable Energy Systems

Springer  & Elsevier Conference



20-22 May 2022

Be Live Collection Hotel, Saidia, Morocco





Submission deadline extended:  February 15th, 2022

Publication :

-          Selected papers with highest reviewers scores will be considered for publication as chapters of a book published by LNEE Springer.

-          Extended version of selected papers will be considered for possible publication in the following reputed journals:

  • Energy Journal (Elsevier, IF: 7.147)
  • Computers & Electrical Engineering journal (Impact Factor: 3.818)
  • Energies (Impact Factor: 3)
  • Other Journals are under confirmation.

 Indexing : Indexed by EI, SCOPUS & DBLP within, Web of Science, SCImago.

 Submission Link: Submissions are processed through the submission link at: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=iceere22#


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

 On behalf of the program committee, It is our great pleasure to invite you to submit papers to the 3nd International Conference on Electronic Engineering and Renewable Energy Systems  (ICEERE’22), 2022 scheduled from 20-22 May, in Saidia, Morocco.

 The scope of ICEERE’22 covers a broad range of hot topics including Electronic Engineering, Control and Instrumentation, Embedded Systems, Communication and Renewable Energy. It will focuses mainly on the application of artificial intelligence techniques, emerging technology and Internet of things in electrical and renewable energy systems including Hybrid systems, Micro-grids, Networking, Smart-health applications, Smart-grid,  Mechatronics, Electric vehicle, etc. The advance of renewable energy applications, would not have been possible without the advance of electronic and information technologies.

 With the successful experience of the first and second Edition (in Saidia, Morocoo 2018-2020), we truly believe that the third edition of ICEERE 2022 will achieve greater success and provide a better platform for all the participants to have fruitful discussions and to share ideas of researches. We expect that the published papers in the conference will be a trigger for further related research and technology improvements in this importance. The third conference ICEERE 2022 will be held in Be Live Hotel 5* Saidia, Morocco from 2022 Mai, 2022.

Best Paper Awards:

Awards will be conferred at the conference to the authors of the best posters and the best student paper. Poster presentation will be of great importance in ICEERE’22.

For more details of the conference please visit http://www.iceere.com/iceere22/

 We look forward to hearing from you and I hope you’ll strongly consider joining us in making the conference successful.

Conference Topics:

- Sensors, Communications and Network

- Wireless and Mobile Communication

- Electronics Engineering and Microelectronics

- Materials, Devices, Circuits and Systems

- Biomedical devices & Medical image processing

- Robotics and Autonomous Systems

- Machine Learning and Deep Learning methods

- Smart IoT, Embedded Systems & Industry 4.0

- Signal, Vision and Image Processing

- Power Electronics, Systems and Applications

- Energy and renewable energy systems

- Electric Vehicles

- Electrical Systems

- Energy Storage and Management

- Smart Homes, Cities and Communities

- Smart Grids & Microgrids

- Artificial intelligence in RE applications

- Renewable Energy Markets and Policies

- Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research

- Precision Agriculture

- Soil and water management techniques


Important Dates :

- Paper Submission Deadline   : February 15th, 2022

- Acceptance Notification         : March 15th, 2022

- Camera Ready Deadline        : April 15th, 2022

- Conference Dates                  : 20 - 22 May 2022


Keynote Speakers:


Henrik Lund.png

Smart Renewable Energy Systems and decarbonisation


By Henrich Lund
Editor in chief du journal Energy, Denmark


Ramesh Nath.png

Book Publishing with Springer


By Dr. Ramesh Nath Premnath

Editor Applied Sciences

Engineering, Materials Science, Energy, Water, Climate

Senior publishing editor for academic books

Springer Singapore


Manu Malek.png

Internet of Things: Applications, Enablers, Security

By Manu Malek.
Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier's International Journal of Computers and Electrical Engineering, USA

El Houssaine El Boudouti.png

One-dimensional photonic crystals: Fondamentals and applications

By Dr. El Houssaine El Boudouti
Mohammed First University, Morocco

Houcine Chafouk.png

Health Monitoring Systems for the Renewable Energy

By Dr. Houcine Chafouk

ESIGELEC, University of Rouen Normandy, France

Antonio Gagliano.png

Energy performances of a photovoltaic thermal plant using different coolant


Dr. Antonio Gagliano
University of Catania, Italy.

Pierre temple-boyer.png

New methods developed for precision agriculture


By Dr. Pierre Temple­Boyer



Guillaume Caron.png

Image blur control benefits to visual servo control in robotics


By Dr. Guillaume Caron


University of Picardie Jules Verne, France

Hélène Marrou.png

Agrivoltaics: novel systems to optimize the food water energy nexus.


By Dr. Hélène Marrou

University Mohammed VI Polytechnic, Morocco

Anne Migan-dubois.png

Fault Detection and Diagnosis applied to photovoltaic power plants



Paris-Saclay University, France







Jerome Launay.png

Lab-on-disc for in situ monitoring of surface water quality by algae biosensors and physicochemical sensors


By Dr. Jérôme LAUNAY

 LAAS-CNRS, France



Machine Learning for Analog Circuits Design



Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University of Fès, Morocco.


Previous edition:



The first edition was successfully published by

Springer: https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811314049



The second edition was successfully published by

Springer: https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811562587


General Chairs:

B. HAJJI, ENSA-Oujda, Morocco

A. RABHI, University of Picardie, France

A. MELLIT, University of Jijel, Algeria.


G. M. TINA, University of Catania, Italy;

M. A. Koulali, ENSA-Oujda, Morccco;

A. Gagliano, University of Catania, Italy.


Prof. HAJJI Bekkay

Email : hajji.bekkay@gmail.com
Phone: +212-675-078-492

Site web : http://www.iceere.com/iceere22/

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