
2018-11-22 2018-11-22

Call for papers

The Department of Economic Sciences and Management

Organizes a study day on the theme:

Regional Exportable Offer

Case Of The Oriental Region



The search for performance of Morocco's foreign trade has long been a major challenge for the country's authorities. Among the strategies adopted to achieve this goal is to act on the exportable supply. However, if previously the reflection for the promotion of this offer depended exclusively on the central authorities, with the entry into force of the advanced regionalization in Morocco the concern becomes still regional. Thus, regional and local actors and various economic operators are called upon to analyse, evaluate and promote the exportable supply of different sectors of activity located in their territory.

The exhortation of this offer will certainly have, on the one hand, positive externalities on the region in terms of job creation, territorial competitiveness, international influence, on the other hand, assistance to the country to go beyond outperformance of its trade with the rest of the world.

In this regard, the Oriental region is being asked to provide more export effort since its positioning at the national level is not favorable since it is not included in the five regions that contribute 82% to Morocco's total exports.

The present event, which aims to bring together as wide an audience as possible, bringing together economists and managers, academicians and practitioners, public and private actors and civil society, is trying to put the spotlight on the exportable supply of the Oriental region in terms of achievements and prospects, via the treatment of the axes below.


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